Authors are entities that literally are recorded as having authored some entry on your website. Authors are distinct from normal member profiles- in fact, there is nothing to say an author of an entry is even present on your website (it may have been submitted by a member, but authored by a company, for example). i.e. There is no guarantee that an author of an entry is going to have a member account on the system.\n\nThe following types of content support the author system:\n - news\n - downloads\nAssociation between authors and members is supported, either automatically by sharing a common name (author = username) or by manual configuration. If OCF (the inbuilt forum and member system) is used then this binding is strongest as a link to a members associated author profile (if it exists) is presented on said member's profile screen.
Autoret jane entitete te cilet jane rregjistruar si te tille duke pervetsuar disa shkrime ne faqen tone. Autoret vecohen nga profilet normale te perdoruesve - ne fakt, nuk ka asgje per te thene nje autor per nje shkrim eshte edhe me i pranishem ne faqe (mund te jete postuar nga nje perdorues, por nen te drejtat e nje kompanie p.sh) Nuk eshte e garantuar qe nje autor i nje postimi mund te kete dhe nje llogari perdoruesi ne sistem.\n\nTipet e metejshme te perberjes, mbeshtesin autorin e sistemit:\n - lajme\n - downloads\nBashkepunimi ndermejet perdoruesve dhe autoreve eshte e pranueshme, ose dhe duke perdorur nje emer te perbashket (author = username) ose me konfigurim manual. N.q.s OCF (Forumi inbuilt dhe sistemi antereve) eshte perdorur atehere eshte me e forte lidhja e nje antari bashkangjitur nje autori(n.q.s ekziston) the shfaqet ne profilin e antareve.
Translated and reviewed by
Argur Kasemi
Located in
View my author profile
Shiko profilin tim të autorit
Translated and reviewed by
Skender Mustafi
Located in
Edit my author profile
Redakto profilin tim të autorit
Translated and reviewed by
Skender Mustafi
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Author management
Menaxhimi i autorit
Translated and reviewed by
Skender Mustafi
Located in
Merge authors
Bashko autorët
Translated and reviewed by
Skender Mustafi
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The numerical ID associated with the author's member account, or the username, if you prefer. Be careful to not enter an incorrect ID/username, as this would result in the author being disassociated with the correct member. You may leave this field blank if you want the author to be linked to your own member profile.
ID numerike bashkangjitet me llogarine e antarit autor, ose perdorues, nqs ju preferoni. Beni kujdes qe mos te vini ID/perdorues te gabuar, sepse do rezultonte qe autori nuk bashkangjitet me antarin e duhur. Mund t'a lini pa plotesuar n.q.s doni qe autori te ri-lidhet tek profili juaj si anetarte
Translated and reviewed by
Argur Kasemi
Located in
Website/E-mail address
Faqja/Posta elektronike
Translated and reviewed by
Skender Mustafi
Located in
For example: <tt>http://tim.example.com/</tt> or <tt>tim@example.com</tt>.
(no translation yet)
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For example: Juggling, cryptography and mud wrestling.
Per Shembull: Mashtrim, Kriptografi dhe mundje ne balte.
Translated and reviewed by
Argur Kasemi
Located in
Define author
(no translation yet)
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