Browsing French translation

918 of 29 results
For example: Juggling, cryptography and mud wrestling.
Par exemple: Le jonglage, la cryptographie ou le catch dans la boue.
Translated and reviewed by dernotte
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Definir un auteur
Translated and reviewed by breakolami
Located in [strings]DEFINE_AUTHOR
Define author: {1}
Définir l'auteur : {1}
Translated and reviewed by breakolami
Located in [strings]_DEFINE_AUTHOR
For example: My name is Tim and I enjoy engaging in mud wrestling whilst I am not decrypting secret documents; my favourite food is chocolate ice cream.
Par exemple: Jean-Jacques, pour vous servir. J’adore écrire des articles sur ce site quand je ne suis pas occupé à moissonner des fraises sur le toit de mon château. Passionné de cuisine moderne (et inventeur du fameux sorbet aux rillettes, de renommée mondiale), je vous invite à visiter mon catalogue de recettes, disponible sur le site.
Translated and reviewed by breakolami
Translated by Chris Graham
Located in [strings]SKILLS
You can connect with <strong>{1}</strong> in the following ways
Vous pouvez joindre <strong>{1}</strong> en utilisant :
Translated and reviewed by breakolami
Located in [strings]AUTHOR_FUNCTIONS
Visit this author's homepage
Visiter page d'accueil de l'auteur
Translated and reviewed by artware solutions
Located in [strings]AUTHOR_HOMEPAGE
View this author's member profile
Voir profil de membre de l'auteur
Translated and reviewed by artware solutions
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Donner des points à cet auteur
Translated by Chris Graham
Located in [strings]AUTHOR_POINTS
Nothing is known about this author
Auteur non référencé
Translated by Chris Graham
Located in [strings]AUTHOR_NULL
918 of 29 results

This translation is managed by translation group ocportal.

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Contributors to this translation: Chris Graham, Marc, artware solutions, breakolami, dernotte.