Translations by Argur Kasemi

Argur Kasemi has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

12 of 2 results
You are about to perform a file management function, and the website software needs to know how it may proceed to do this. On most web server configurations it is necessary to perform this kind of file management via <acronym title="File Transfer Protocol">FTP</acronym>. You need to enter the details for your environment accordingly.<br />The software should not usually be told to store your FTP password because it erodes your security, but if security is less of an issue for you, you can tell it to store it at your own risk.
Ne do te bejme nje funksion menaxhim File, dhe programi i faqes se internetit kerkon te dije si do behet procedura qe te arrihet kjo. Pjesa me e madhe e web servera-ve ne konfigurim eshte e nevojshme te kryhet ky lloj menaxhim file'sh nepermjet <acronym title="File Transfer Protocol">FTP</acronym>. Ju duhet te plotesoni detajet sipas nevojes. Software'i pergjithsisht nuk i thohet qe te ruhet passwordi i llogarise tuaj FTP sepse rrezikon sigurine, por n.q.s siguria per ju eshte vetem nje gabim, atehere u mund ti thoni Software'it ta ruaj ate
Leave this ticked (checked) if you can only manipulate the software's primary files through FTP. This is the case for nearly all Linux/UNIX servers. If PHP may directly manipulate the files, you may untick (uncheck) the box and not enter any FTP details.
Lejeni me gremc n.q.s ju mund te ndryshoni filet primare te programit nepermjet FTP. Ky eshte rasti pothuajse per te gjith serverat Linux/UNIX. N.q.s PHP mund te modifikoje file't direkt atehere ju mund te heqni gremcin dhe mos te vendosni te dhenat tuaja te FTP's.