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110 of 171 results
module: procurement
Translated by Christophe Simonis (OpenERP)
Located in,name:procurement.menu_stock_sched
Make Procurements
module: procurement
Направи набавки
Translated by Christophe Simonis (OpenERP)
Located in model:ir.model,name:procurement.model_make_procurement
This is the time frame analysed by the scheduler when computing procurements. All procurements that are not between today and today+range are skipped for future computation.
module: procurement
Ова е временска рамка анализирана од страна на распоредувачот при пресметувањето на набавките. Сите набавки кои не се помеѓу денес и денес+опсегот се прескокнати за идно пресметување.
Translated by Christophe Simonis (OpenERP)
Located in,schedule_range:0
Triggers an automatic procurement for all products that have a virtual stock under 0. You should probably not use this option, we suggest using a MTO configuration on products.
module: procurement
Ативира автоматска набавка за сите производи кои имаат виртуелна залиха под 0. Најверојатно не треба да ја користите оваа опција, ви сугерираме да користите МТО конфигурација на производите.
Translated by Christophe Simonis (OpenERP)
Located in help:procurement.order.compute.all,automatic:0
Group By...
module: procurement
Групирај по...
Translated by Christophe Simonis (OpenERP)
Located in view:stock.warehouse.orderpoint:0
Draft procurement of the product and location of that orderpoint
module: procurement
Нацрт набавка на производ и локација на таа целна точка
Translated by Christophe Simonis (OpenERP)
Located in help:stock.warehouse.orderpoint,procurement_draft_ids:0
required quantities are always
module: procurement
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
бараните количини секогаш се достапни
Translated by Christophe Simonis (OpenERP)
Located in view:product.product:0
External note...
module: procurement
Надворешна белешка...
Translated by Christophe Simonis (OpenERP)
Located in view:procurement.order:0
If there are not enough quantities available, the delivery order
will wait for new products. To fulfill the inventory, you should
create others rules like orderpoints.
module: procurement
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Доколку нема доволно расположливи количини, испратницата ќе чека за нови производи. За да се пополни залихата, треба да креирате други правила како точки на нарачка.
Translated by Christophe Simonis (OpenERP)
Located in view:product.product:0
Procurement Method
module: procurement
Метод на набавка
Translated by Christophe Simonis (OpenERP)
Located in field:procurement.order,procure_method:0
110 of 171 results

This translation is managed by Odoo (OpenERP) Macedonian, assigned by Odoo Translators (MOVED TO TRANSIFEX).

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Contributors to this translation: Christophe Simonis (OpenERP).