The MythTV Indicator is already running
MythTV Göstergesi halihazırda çalışıyor.
Translated and reviewed by
Ahmet Sezgin DURAN
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Ahmet Sezgin DURAN
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Ahmet Sezgin DURAN
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Ahmet Sezgin DURAN
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Translated and reviewed by
Ahmet Sezgin DURAN
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Translated and reviewed by
Ahmet Sezgin DURAN
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Menu Pickle could not be read. It is likely the MythTV BE is down.
TRANSLATORS: Please leave %s as it is,
because it is needed by the program.
Thank you for contributing to this project.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
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You must set your MythTV version in
the Preferences window before
this indicator will function.
Click the "Preferences" menu option or
Click "Quit".
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Bu göstergenin çalışması için
öncelikle Tercihler penceresinden
MythTV sürümünüzü seçmelisiniz.
Menü seçeneklerinden "Tercihler" e veya
"Çıkış" a basın.
Translated and reviewed by
Ahmet Sezgin DURAN
Located in
MythTV Backend Down
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
MythTV Altyapısı Çöktü
Translated and reviewed by
Ahmet Sezgin DURAN
Located in
MythTV Backend Up
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
MythTV Altyapısı Çalışıyor
Translated and reviewed by
Ahmet Sezgin DURAN
Located in