Moovida has performed an online search based on the following information:
Series Title: [tab] [tab] %(title)s
Season Number: [tab] %(season)d
Episode Number: [tab] %(episode)d
Unfortunately Moovida was unable to find any results based on this information.
To edit some details or start over select 'Refine Search'. Select 'Continue' to recategorize the video with the information above (Note: no additional information or artwork will be added). Alternatively, select 'Cancel' to cancel recategorizing this video file.
[tab] represents a tab character.
Please write it exactly the same way, [tab] , in your
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
Translated and reviewed by
Episode %(number)d
(no translation yet)
Initial Search Results
(no translation yet)
Updated Search Results
(no translation yet)
Manual Entry
(no translation yet)
<b>Finding Your Video</b>
We believe the video file '<b>%(filename)s</b>' which you are about to recategorize is one of the Movies displayed to the right of this message.
Please select one of the options to the right to begin recategorizing it with all available information.
If the correct Movie does not appear to the right of this message then please select 'Refine Search' to manually enter some basic details and perform a new search.
Select 'Cancel' to cancel recategorizing this video file.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
<b>Finding Your Video</b>
We believe the video file '<b>%(filename)s</b>' which you are about to recategorize is a TV episode belonging to one of the seasons displayed to the right of this message.
Please select on of the options to the right to begin recategorizing it with all available information.
If the correct TV season does not appear to the right of this message then please select 'Refine Search' to manually enter some basic details and perform a new search.
Select 'Cancel' to cancel recategorizing this video file.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)