Translations by Mikel Alzibar

Mikel Alzibar has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

14 of 4 results
Getting Help with moonOS Community
Lortu laguntza moonOs komunitatearekin
<b>The moonOS community</b> provides good answer for all of your question, but also ideas, artwork and sometimes even source code. So don't hesitate to ask questions on the forum or to get involved in the community.
<b>moonOS komunitatea</b>k zure galderei erantzun onak ematen dizkie, baina baita ideia, artelan eta batzutan kodea ere eskeintzen ditu. Beraz ez izan zalantzarik foroetan galdetzerako orduan edota komunitatean parte hartzerako orduan.
Let us know about your moonOS Experience. We'll listen to your ideas and use them to further improve moonOS.
Emaiguzu zure moonOS esperientziaren berri. Zure ideiak entzungo ditugu eta moonOS-en hurrengo hobekuntzetarako erabili.
The installation will finish soon. Have a lot of fun with moonOS!
Instalazioa laister bukatuko da. Ondo pasa moonOS-ekin!