Translations by Mikel Alzibar

Mikel Alzibar has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

15 of 5 results
Music and movies in moonOS
Musika eta pelikulak moonOS-en
moonOS is ready to play videos and music from the web and from DVDs.
moonOS prestatuta dago bideoak eta musika web-etik eta DVD-etatik eskeintzeko
<b>Banshee Music Player</b> is a one of the great music player available in the whole world. It lets you organize your music and listen to Internet radio. It also keeps track of podcasts, to download new episodes of a show automatically.
<b>Banshee Musika Erreproduktorea</b> mundu osoan eskuratu daitekeen musika erreproduktore bikainetako bat da. Zure musika antolatzen eta Internet-eko irratiak entzuten laguntzen dizu. Podcast-ak ere maneiatzen ditu, pasarte berriak automakikoki jaitsi ahal izateko.
<b>VLC Media Player</b> is a best media player for your life. VLC can also be used as a streaming server that duplicates the stream it reads and multicasts them through the network to other clients, or serves them through HTTP.
<b>VLC Media Erreproduktorea</b> topatuko duzun media erreproduktore onena da. VLC streaming zerbitzari bezala erabili daiteke ere, irakurtzen duen seinalea bikoiztu eta multicast bidez bidaltzen du sarean zehar beste bezeroei, edo HTTP bidez zerbitzatzen ditu.
moonOS is compatible with most popular file formats: avi, mp3, ogg, wmv, mpg, mp4, mov ...etc
moonOS bateragarria da fitxategi formatu ezagunenekin: avi, mp3, ogg, wmv, mpg, mp4, mov, etab...