If you have a multi-tenanted Mahara instance but do not want people from the individual institutions to communicate on the site or share groups, you can turn on 'Isolated institutions'.
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This can be beneficial when you set up a large site for several organisations and need to adhere to privacy regulations that don't allow people from one organisation to contact people from other organisations.
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See the section :ref:`'Isolated institutions' <isolated_institutions>` for more information.
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log_backtrace_levels: Log backtraces
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For example: ``$cfg->log_backtrace_levels = LOG_LEVEL_WARN | LOG_LEVEL_ENVIRON;`` (default)
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The log levels that will generate backtraces. Useful for development, but probably only warnings are useful on a live site.
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log_backtrace_print_args: Log backtraces
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``$cfg->log_backtrace_print_args = null;`` (default)
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Print the values of function and method arguments when printing a backtrace. This can be useful for debugging, but it is a security risk because function parameters may include sensitive data such as passwords and private keys. Though arguments whose names suggest that they contain passwords, will still be blanked out even if this feature is enabled.
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A ``null`` value here tells Mahara to hide argument values when ``$cfg->productionmode`` is enabled, and to show them otherwise. A ``true`` or ``false`` tells Mahara to always show or hide argument values in backtraces regardless of the value of ``$cfg->productionmode``.
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