**LOG_TARGET_FILE**: This allows you to specify a file to which messages will be logged. It's best to pick a path in dataroot, but note that log files tend to get very large over time. So it's advisable to implement some kind of logrotate if you want to leave this on all the time. The other option is to just turn this option on when you are getting a specific error or want to see the logging, and know that you're not going to let the log file get large.
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You can combine the targets with bitwise operations, e.g. ``LOG_TARGET_SCREEN | LOG_TARGET_ERRORLOG``.
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noreplyaddress: System email address
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``$cfg->noreplyaddress = 'noreply@yourdomainhere';``
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Set the system mail address. Notifications are sent from this address (except for a few emails when a person doesn't yet have an account). You can also set it in *Administration menu → Configure site → Site options → Email settings*.
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Typically, the noreply address is one that is not monitored as people are not supposed to reply to it.
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openbadgedisplayer_source: Open Badges displayer sources
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``$cfg->openbadgedisplayer_source = '{"shortname":"url","shortname":"url"}';``
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In order to display Open Badges in the :ref:`'Open Badges' block <open_badges_block>`, the sites that host the badges need to be configured. Per default, the `Mozilla Backpack <https://backpack.openbadges.org/>`_ and the `Open Badge Passport <https://openbadgepassport.com>`_ can be connected. If you have other sources, you would need to add them to the allowed sources.
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:index:`Badgr <single: Badgr configuration setting>` can be configured as well.
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