You can set what permissions are used for files and directories in the Mahara dataroot. The default allows only the web server account to read the data. If you are on shared hosting and might want to download the contents of your dataroot later, e.g. for backup purposes, set this to 0755. Otherwise, leave it as is.
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error_reporting: Error reporting
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``$cfg->error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_STRICT;`` (default)
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This parameter indicates what level of errors to print to the Mahara logs. It gets passed directly to the PHP function ``error_reporting()``.
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There are some limitations in this method because it doesn't get called until several scripts have already been compiled: ``init.php, config.php, config-defaults.php, errors.php``, and the file directly invoked in the URL. So, compile-time errors in those files, which includes most strict errors, will be unaffected by this setting.
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externallogin: Login via another site
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``$cfg->externallogin = 'URL';``
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You can overwrite the normal Mahara login page by providing an external one. This is useful if all people with access to the site shall log in via a different system and should be redirected there automatically.
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Be careful when you have multiple institutions turned on. If at least one institution does not log in via the same external login page, you cannot use this setting as people in that institution would not be able to log in to Mahara at all since they can never get to the login page that they need.
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:index:`If <single: Override external login>` you use the external login, you may need to override it at times, e.g. for troubleshooting the external authentication method or when it is not reachable. You can add a parameter at the end of the Mahara URL. You are then taken to the normal Mahara login screen.
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