Differentiate between alt text and caption for images
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|alt-text| You can :ref:`differentiate between alt text and an image caption <edit_image>` as well as decide whether your image is decorative for improved accessibility. Depending on your selection, Mahara either creates the alt text or adds and empty alt tag to make it easier for people using screen readers to perceive the content on a page.
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'Quick edit' option for PDF, files, and course completion blocks
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|quick edit| The 'Quick edit' option is available not only on 'Text' blocks but now also for :ref:`'PDF' blocks <quick_edit_pdf>`, :ref:`'Files' blocks <quick_edit_files>`, and :ref:`'Course completion' blocks <quick_edit_coursecompletion>`. This makes it possible to edit the content of these blocks without needing to enter 'Edit' mode, which prevents accidental block deletion or moving of blocks.
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Sign-off and verification improvement
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|sign-off| The usability of the 'Sign-off' functionality on a page was changed to make it more apparent that an action can be taken. Now there is a switch and more text to accompany the option.
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.. image:: images/page_editor/blocks/signoff_view.*
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View the sign-off as portfolio author
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SmartEvidence summary information and report
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|smartevidence| All SmartEvidence statuses of a portfolio are summed up for a quick overview, and institution and site administrators have a report available that allows them to see all statuses reported on for the members of their institution.
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