Institution staff
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|new in Mahara 22.04| Institution support administrator
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Institution administrator
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If a person is a member of one or more institutions, there are a few changes to make it easier for them to find people within their institution:
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When :ref:`searching for other people <people>`, results are initially only presented from their own institution(s). They can still search for others though.
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When sharing portfolios, a new option of sharing the portfolio with their entire institution is available.
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When sharing a portfolio with a particular person, the selector lists members of their institution(s) first.
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Institution staff have the same permissions as site staff, only restricted to the institution(s) in which they have the staff role.
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Staff permissions can be given manually or via SAML automatically, if the IdP contains that information.
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The :ref:`'Institution support administrator' role <institution_support_admin>` contains all institution staff permissions and allows the support administrator to masquerade as another account holder if they are a regular institution member or institution staff in the institution for which they are the support administrator.
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