Click the link that takes you into your portfolio. You can often find that link in the course in which you are asked to create a portfolio or on your profile page in your LMS.
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You get access to the same account that you had already set up on Mahara.
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Log in via LTI and then Mahara
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If you want People to log in via LTI first and then Mahara, you need to change the authentication method of the accounts to make the second authentication method, i.e. internal, LDAP, SAML or IMAP, the primary one. If you don't do that, a second account will be created.
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The following describes the work flow and includes the steps that you need to take in order to allow a person to log in via both authentication methods if they logged in via LTI first.
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Ensure that the authentication method that people shall use is set up for your institution.
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Set up the consumer secret and key for the LTI integration as described under :ref:`'Enable LTI for an institution' <enable_lti>`.
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People go to the LMS and click the link to the portfolio, which creates an account for them.
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If you leave things here and don't continue with the next steps, and people log in via the Mahara homepage, they will have a second account created.
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Change the authentication method of the account to the non-LTI one. In the case of single sign-on via the SAML plugin, you will also need to provide a remote username.
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