When you are not logged in, you can only give feedback on public pages and pages with secret URLs if the site administrator allowed :ref:`anonymous feedback / comments <anonymous_feedback>`.
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Comment anonymously
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.. image:: images/comment_anonymous.*
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**Name**: You must provide your name to identify yourself. This field is required.
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Write your comment into the editor window.
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You have a text box available but no advanced editing tools for security reasons and because you wouldn't be able to use the full image selector.
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**Rating**: If the site administrator :ref:`turned on comment ratings <plugin_comments>`, you can use the 5-star rating scale **in addition** to your written comments.
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**Make public**: Switch this to 'No' if you don't want everyone who has access to this page to see your comment. If you do not make your comment public, only you and the page / artefact author can see your comment. This setting is set to 'Yes' by default.
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Comments that are left on portfolios shared publicly or via secret URL by people who do not have an account are always moderated. They are only made public if the portfolio author wishes to do so.
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Click the *Comment* button to save your comment or click *Cancel* to abort your changes.
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