**Add comment**: Write your comment into the editor window.
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At the bottom of the editor window, you see a line that usually contains some letters (in the screenshot that is 'p'). That's just the HTML notation of the current style that you are working in.
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Click the *Window resizer* icon |tinymce resizer| to make the editor window larger (or smaller). You can also see the number of words you have written.
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**Rating**: If the site administrator :ref:`turned on comment ratings <plugin_comments>`, you can use the 5-star rating scale **in addition** to your written comments and / or an uploaded file.
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**Make public**: Switch this to 'Yes' if you want everyone, who has access to this page or artefact, to see your comment. If you do not make your comment public, only you and the page / artefact author can see it. This setting is switched on by default.
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**License**: You see this field if the site administrator turned on :ref:`license metadata <site_settings>`. Choose the license for your feedback. You can set your default license in your :ref:`account settings <general_account_options>`.
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**Advanced licensing**: You see this option if the site administrator turned on :ref:`license metadata <site_settings>`. If you click it, you see two additional license fields, 'Licensor' and 'Original URL', that you can fill in if this is not your own feedback.
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At the moment, you cannot display that license information on a portfolio page, but it is stored for future use when the functionality is expanded.
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**Attach file**: Click the *Browse* button to attach a feedback file from your computer. This file is placed into the *Files* area of the author of the page.
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Click the *Add attachment* button |add attachment| to add another file.
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