Provide a reason for removing them from your list of friends. This information is optional.
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Click the *Remove friend* button to finalize your action or click *Cancel* to abort the removal.
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Ralf Hilgenstock
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*Main menu → Engage → Discussion topics*
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*Topics* is a list of the discussion topics from all the groups in which you are a member. The topics are sorted in reverse chronological order starting with the latest comment.
*(Diskussions-)Themen* ist eine Liste der Diskussionsthemen aller Gruppen in denen Sie Mitglied sind. Die Themen sind umgedreht chronologisch sortiert beginnend mit dem aktuellsten Thema.
Translated and reviewed by
Ralf Hilgenstock
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Latest posts in discussion forums
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.. image:: images/group/topics.*
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The latest posts in discussion forums
Die neuesten Einträge in den Diskussionsforen
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Ralf Hilgenstock
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The title of the forum topic as well as the group and the forum in which this topic is discussed are shown. They are all linked.
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The beginning of the latest comment in the topic is displayed as well as the name of the author (linked to the author's profile page) and the date and time when the forum post was made.
Der Anfang des letzten Kommentars im Thema wird mit dem Namen des Verfassers (und einem Link zu dessen Profilseite) angezeigt. Ebenfalls ist das Datum und die Zeit der Erstellung des Forenbeitrags sichtbar.
Translated and reviewed by
Ralf Hilgenstock
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