.. image:: images/page_editor/blocks/peerassessment_alert.*
:alt: peer assessment alert
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
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What's new in Mahara 21.04?
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Mahara is being improved from version to version. On this page, you see the **highlights** for the latest release of Mahara.
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You can see a `list of all new features on Launchpad <https://bugs.launchpad.net/mahara/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.status%3Alist=FIXRELEASED&field.milestone%3Alist=91379&field.tag=newfeature>`_ or check out the features via the |new in Mahara 21.04| 'New in Mahara 21.04' `index entries <genindex.html#N>`_.
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