You can remove these quick links (or similar elements if the instance of Mahara you are using has some other content in there) in your :ref:`general account options <general_account_options>`, option 'Dashboard information'.
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**Edit dashboard**: The *Edit dashboard* button allows you to jump directly into the edit screen for your dashboard without having to go to *Main menu → Create → Pages and Collections* first.
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You cannot add a :ref:`skin <skins>` to your dashboard page.
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You can customise :ref:`this area <personal_information>` on your dashboard to put blocks there that you want to see every time you log in.
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This sidebar block contains static and dynamic information:
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Your name is linked to your profile page.
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:index:`Your profile picture <single: Link to profile pictures page>` is linked to your :ref:`profile pictures page <profile_pictures>` where you manage your profile pictures.
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If you are a member of any groups, they are displayed here. You can shorten the list by only displaying :ref:`labelled groups <group_label>`.
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Pending friend requests and group invitations are displayed.
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If you tagged artefacts or pages with the tag 'profile', a link to them is placed here.
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