The SSO button is labelled with the display name of the institution. If that is too long or you want to display something else on the button for another reason, you can create a /htdocs/local/lang/en.utf8/auth.saml.php file and add it there. The button needs to have the key 'login' + shortname of the institution, e.g. for 'testinstitution' it would be: ``$string['logintestinstitution'] = 'Special label';``
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Find out more about `making language adjustments <https://wiki.mahara.org/wiki/Developer_Area/Language_strings#Custom_lang_strings_in_.2Flocal>`_ in Mahara.
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Login with strict privacy
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When the site administrator turned on :ref:`strict privacy <institution_settings>`, you need to consent to the terms and conditions and the privacy statement of the site and maybe even an institution if you are a member of an institution before you can enter your account. If you don't, you have the opportunity to discuss your issues with them with an administrator.
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When any of the statements changed, you will be presented with them again and need to make a decision about consenting or not.
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.. image:: images/settings_legal_registration.*
:alt: Accept legal statements upon first login
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
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Accept legal statements upon first login
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Title of the legal statement.
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There can be up to 4 statements that you may need to consent to. This depends on the setup of the site that you use.
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Click the *Retractable* icon |retractable| to close this section. This is helpful if the texts are very long.
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