**Edit dashboard**: The *Edit dashboard* button allows you to jump directly into the edit screen for your dashboard without having to go to *Main menu → Create → Pages and Collections* first.
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You cannot add a :ref:`skin <skins>` to your dashboard page.
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You can customise :ref:`this area <personal_information>` on your dashboard to put blocks there that you want to see every time you log in.
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This sidebar block contains static and dynamic information:
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Your name is linked to your profile page.
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:index:`Your profile picture <single: Link to profile pictures page>` is linked to your :ref:`profile pictures page <profile_pictures>` where you manage your profile pictures.
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If you are a member of any groups, they are displayed here. You can shorten the list by only displaying :ref:`labelled groups <group_label>`.
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Pending friend requests and group invitations are displayed.
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If you tagged artefacts or pages with the tag 'profile', a link to them is placed here.
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**Show who is online**: If this sidebar block is enabled, you see people who have been logged in during the last 10 minutes. Depending on the settings for your institution that the administrator chose, you may see everyone, only people from your institution(s), or nobody at all.
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