A :ref:`report <legal_consent_report>` detailing when people consented to which legal statement.
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Names and email addresses of deleted accounts are not kept in the system but replaced. Typically, a record of them needs to stay in Mahara because they could have contributed to groups or left comments on other people's portfolios. However, their name is not displayed. Instead, the generic name 'Deleted account' is displayed.
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Data storage
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You can install Mahara on your own server infrastructure or use an existing (cloud) data center. It is up to your institution to make that decision based on your technical, financial, and legal requirements and obligations.
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Mahara does not prevent you from installing the site anywhere you see fit and does increasingly support cloud storage.
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Is Mahara missing any privacy-related features?
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Mahara is being used around the world in many different countries. Each country has its own data protection and privacy laws that may change from time to time.
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If you think that an existing law or one that is going to be in effect requires stricter measures around privacy, please `file a request in our bug and feature tracker <https://bugs.launchpad.net/mahara/+filebug>`_ or `send us an email <https://mahara.org/contact.php>`_ to make us aware of these regulations and discuss how Mahara can support them.
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