Paginator to view more portfolios.
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Number of portfolios that you can view.
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If you would like to see fewer or more portfolios, you can change that here. Per default, 10 portfolios are displayed.
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Profile information
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:fonticon:`fas fa-info fa-border fa-2x`
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Add a block with profile fields to your page.
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Only display as much information as you wish anybody to see. Especially when you make your pages available to the public, i.e. everybody on the Internet, or all logged-in people, decide carefully whether you want to display your street address and / or phone number.
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.. image:: images/page_editor/blocks/profileinfo_configure.*
:alt: Configure the block Profile information
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
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Configure the *Profile information* block
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**Fields to show**: Decide which fields shall appear on the page. Put a check mark in front of each one that you want to show. Displayed are only the ones for which you provided content.
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