A to Z: Alphabetically from A to Z. This is the default option.
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**Maximum number of groups to display**: Decide how many groups you wish to display in the block before the paginator is shown and the remaining pages can be seen on the next page within the block. Leave this field empty if you wish to display all your groups.
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**Display only groups labelled with**: Select the label(s) of groups by which you want to filter your groups. You will only see filtered groups.
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You can :ref:`label your groups <group_label>` on the *Groups* overview page.
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**Retractable**: Choose whether you want to allow people to reduce the block to its heading on a page or see just the heading only automatically. The options are:
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**Yes**: Allow people to reduce the block to just the heading by clicking the *Retractable* icon |retractable|.
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**Automatically retract**: Only the heading of the block is visible, and people can click the *Retracted* icon |retracted| to view its content.
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My portfolios
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:fonticon:`fas fa-file fa-border fa-2x`
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Add a block that displays your pages and collections on your profile or dashboard page. It is a standard profile page block. This block should stay on your profile page because others can see all your pages and collections to which they have acceess.
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