You can move your account from the current institution into another one by yourself, when the intaking institution has single sign-on set up. That account move does not require an administrator to intervene.
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Select the institution to move to
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You can only move your account if there is more than one institution on the site and if at least one of them has single sign-on set up via SAML.
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.. image:: images/institution_move_select_institution.*
:alt: Select the institution to move to
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
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Make sure you are on the *Move account* tab.
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Select the institution to which you want to move from the drop-down menu.
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Only institutions that have SSO set up via SAML are displayed.
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Click the *Send request* button to confirm your action or click *Cancel* to abort.
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You are asked to log into the IdP to verify the account details for your access to that institution. An email is sent to you with a link to confirm within 30 minutes that you want to move your account.
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If you do not confirm within 30 minutes, you can try it again.
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