**Sort groups**: :index:`Decide <single: Group display in sidebar; Decide the sort order of your groups in the sidebar>` in which sort order your groups should be displayed in your sidebar:
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Most recently joined: Groups are displayed in chronologically reverse order to show the groups that you joined recently first.
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Earliest joined: This option displays your groups in the order in which you joined them.
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A to Z: Alphabetically from A to Z. This is the default option.
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**Display only groups labeled with**: If you :ref:`labeled your groups <group_label>`, you can use these labels to decide which groups you want to have displayed in the sidebar.
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**Hide real name**: You see this option if the site administrator allowed :ref:`account holders to hide their real name <config_site_account_settings>`. If you switch this to 'Yes', others can only search for you using your :ref:`display name <about_me>`.
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**Dashboard information**: Choose this option if you want to display the :ref:`quick links <dashboard_quick_links>` on your dashboard.
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**Profile completion progress bar**: Switch this setting to 'Yes' if you want to display the progress bar set up by your institution and tips on how to complete your profile.
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You only see this option if the administrator of your institution set up the :ref:`profile completion <profile_completion>`.
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If you are a member of multiple institutions, you can switch between the individual institutions in order to view the respective sidebar.
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