|sso login| Typically, when single sign-on via an external IdP is used on a site, the regular login form becomes secondary and is only used by administrators. In the past, the SSO login button was very subtle. Now :ref:`it is displayed more prominently <login_sso>` and easier to see for people thus preventing that account holders try to use the regular login form that wouldn't allow them to sign in.
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.. image:: images/new/login_sso.*
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Single sign-on automations
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|sso automation| There is a :ref:`range of improvements to single sign-on <saml>` to be found in Mahara 20.04. These changes make it easier for large organisations or groups of organisations to manage institutions and accounts on Mahara.
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Diagnose problems more easily by setting the :ref:`'saml_log_attributes' config.php variable <config_variable_saml_log_attributes>`.
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Assign site administrato and staff and institution administrator and staff permissions automatically.
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Set up and configure additional organisations from within a parent IdP automatically.
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Assign a role to an account that is added to every group in the institution (or even on the site).
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Move your account from one SSO institution to another by yourself.
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