**Set separately for each link**: Use this option if you want to connect to different institutions in one Mahara instance. Note that you will need to provide the consumer key and secret each time you want to add an LTI building block to a course.
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**Set globally**: Use this option when everyone shall enter the same institution in Mahara. You do not need to provide the consumer key and secret when a link to Mahara is added in a course as it is set here.
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**Tool Provider Key**: Paste the consumer key from Mahara for the LTI connection that you set up earlier.
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**Tool Provider Secret**: Paste the consumer secret from Mahara for the LTI connection that you set up earlier.
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**Tool Provider Customised Parameters**: Enter the following parameter: ``wsfunction=module_lti_launch``.
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**Send User Data**: Decide how you want to send user data to Mahara:
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**Never**: No user data is sent.
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**Send user data only over SSL**: User data is sent encrypted. This option is the preferred option for production sites. The web services in Mahara require that an SSL connection is established unless you are connection to a site that is not in :ref:`production mode <config_variable_productionmode>`.
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**Send user data over any connection**: You can choose this option because web services in Mahara require an SSL connection when in production mode. This option is useful for testing purposes as your testing instance may not have an SSL certificate.
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**User Fields to be Sent**: Select, which user fields you want to send across to Mahara.
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