*User menu → Settings → Legal*
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Displayed are the current terms and conditions and privacy statement for the site. If you are a member of an institution, you also see the institution privacy statment and terms and conditions if your institution set them up.
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If "Strict privacy" is turned on for the site that you use, you must decide whether you consent to the statements or not.
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.. image:: images/settings_legal.*
:alt: Legal statements for you to consent to
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
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Legal statements for you to consent to
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Title of the legal statement.
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There can be up to 4 statements that you may need to consent to. This depends on the setup of the site that you use.
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Click the *Retractable* icon |retractable| to close this section. This is helpful if the texts are very long.
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The date the statement was last updated is displayed.
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The text of the statement.
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