Deleted comments retain the section "Comment removed by author / owner" if more comments come after them as they could have been referenced. Without that indicator, some conversations may not be easy to follow as context would be missing. If no additional comment comes after a deleted one, the deleted comment is removed entirely.
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If a deleted comment needs to be retrieved, it can be undeleted in the database as comments are not deleted from the database itself, but only set to be hidden.
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Comments can contain a rating which shows quickly how well the person commenting likes your page or artefact.
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This feature is only available if the site administrator turned it on in the :ref:`extensions <comments_ratings>`.
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As page / artefact owner you see all comments. A comment marked as private by the comment author is only displayed to you and the person commenting.
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You or the comment author can make a private comment public by clicking the *Make public* link.
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Comment authors can attach a file to their comment to give you longer feedback or oral or video feedback. The files that they add are placed into your personal *Files* area so you can use that feedback later on.
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You and the comment author can delete a comment by clicking the *Delete* button |delete|. The comment text is not displayed anymore. In addition, if you delete the comment by someone else, they will receive a notification about it, which includes their comment text.
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:index:`You can reply directly to a comment <single:Comments; Reply to comments>` when this functionality was :ref:`enabled for your institution <add_institution>`.
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When you reply to a **public comment** then your reply can be seen by anyone with access to the page. They also receive a notification about the comment when they had previously left a comment themselves.
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