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You can ask other users and / or friends to :ref:`comment <feedback>` on your pages and / or collections that you have shared. Comments should be constructive and helpful. They should point out things that you did well and others that you may need to improve by providing constructive suggestions and encouragement for further learning.
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The comments area is at the bottom of each page, but can also be turned off by the author of the page or artefact.
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:orange:`Controlled group`
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:ref:`Controlled groups <group_staff>` are similar to courses in learning management systems. The administrator can place users into the group who then cannot leave it. Usually, the administrator allows the submission of pages and collections to this group for assessment purposes.
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:orange:`Course group`
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:ref:`Course groups <group_staff>` allow the administrator to assign certain members the tutor role. Tutors can then give feedback on submitted pages and collections if these are allowed, but cannot add or remove users from the group.
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:darkred:`Cover letter`
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Generally, the :ref:`cover letter <cover_letter>` is the first page in an employment application and forms part of your résumé. It could be the first page in a collection for an employment or internship portfolio.
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:orange:`CSV file`
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