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You can :ref:`recommend a group <public_group>` to your friends if the group administrator allowed that. The group administrator then still needs to approve the group membership.
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The :ref:`résumé <resume>` details your education and employment history, your achievements as well as skills and interests in a tabular format. Generally, you use it when you apply for an internship or job. However, as the elements in your résumé are reusable, you can also use individual elements in other portfolios.
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:orange:`RSS feed`
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:ref:`RSS feeds <external_feed_block>` aggregate news from portal pages, forums or blogs. You can add RSS feeds from external sites to your pages using the :ref:`"External feed" block <external_feed_block>`. The content will be updated continuously. Mahara can also create RSS feeds for forums in public groups and journals that appear in public pages.
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You can search for pages by title, description or tags on :ref:`"Shared with me" <shared_pages>` and will see a list of results immediately. You can also search for users by using the user search box. If the site administrator turned on :ref:`exact search <plugin_search>`, you need to provide the complete name of users in order to find them. Otherwise, a part of their name is enough but often yields too many results. :ref:`Fulltext search <fulltext_search>` is not available if the site administrator installed Elasticsearch on the server.
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:orange:`Secret URL`
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You can create :ref:`secret URLs <secret_url>` for pages and collections to give users who do not have a login to the site access to your pages or collections. The difference to making pages or collections public is that search engines cannot find these pages (unless a link to them appears on a web page).
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