:darkred:`Privacy statement`
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Information about the use of private data from the Mahara site. Usually, there is a link in the page :ref:`footer <footer>` to it.
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Your profile page is visible to other users on Mahara. You should only display as much information about yourself as you are comfortable for other users to see. Your display name or if you do not have one, your first name and last name, is displayed along with your profile picture. Users may also be able to contact you and invite you to groups. All other elements on your profile page are optional.
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:orange:`Public group`
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:ref:`Public groups <public_group>` are visible to anyone on the Internet. You do not have to be a member of the group to follow forum discussions or view pages. However, you need to be a group member to participate in the discussions or create pages yourself.
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You can :ref:`recommend a group <public_group>` to your friends if the group administrator allowed that. The group administrator then still needs to approve the group membership.
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The :ref:`résumé <resume>` details your education and employment history, your achievements as well as skills and interests in a tabular format. Generally, you use it when you apply for an internship or job. However, as the elements in your résumé are reusable, you can also use individual elements in other portfolios.
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