The owner is the person or group that has created a page or collection or to whom artefacts belong.
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You can design :ref:`pages <page>` by arranging artefacts on them. You define the page layout and - if enabled - the theme for it. You give other users access to pages so they can view your work and comment on it. Several pages can be added to a collection. All users can create personal pages and group members may be able to create group pages.
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Pages can also be created as templates for further use by others.
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:orange:`Page layout`
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The :ref:`page layout <edit_layout>` defines the number and width (wide or narrow) of columns on a page. You can also define rows in order to align your content on the page.
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:ref:`Plans <plans>` are simple ToDo lists consisting of tasks. You can add your plans as blocks into your pages.
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Portfolios gather stuff, i.e. learning artefacts and evidence. In Mahara you place your artefacts into :ref:`pages <page>` which you can bundle up into :ref:`collections <add_collection>`. A page or a collection can then already be your portfolio. Thus, you can create many different portfolios. You decide whether you want to share your portfolios with others or keep them for yourself. You can create portfolios for many purposes, e.g.
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