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Your :ref:`inbox <inbox>` is the place where you can access the notifications and messages you received from other users or the system. You can decide whether you want to read your messages in your inbox or receive them via email.
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You can invite any other users to your groups if you are the group administrator, or you may be able to invite your friends into groups in which you are a member. The invited users can accept the invitation or reject it.
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A Mahara site can consist of any number of independent :ref:`institutions <site_admin_institutions>` in which users and certain institution settings are administered. This allows the use of one Mahara instance for many organisations without the need to install Mahara for each.
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:orange:`Institution administrator`
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:ref:`Institution administrators <institution_admins>` can manage institution settings and users. They do not have access to other institutions or settings on the site level.
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:orange:`Institution page`
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Institution administrators can create :ref:`institution pages <institution_pages>` that can be used as examples or templates for institution members. They can be copied automatically into the accounts of new institution members.
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