For more formal assessments, you can link Mahara to a learning management system. In Moodle for example, you can use the `Mahara assignment submission plugin <https://github.com/MaharaProject/moodle-assignsubmission_mahara>`_ to assess portfolios directly in Moodle using standard Moodle grading options such as outcomes or rubrics.
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You can create :ref:`groups <group_types>` and invite other users into your groups to work collaboratively on projects. Groups can use forums for discussions, a group files area for sharing files, journals to reflect collectively and create and share pages and collections. The site administrator can disable the possibility to create groups for regular users.
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:orange:`Group administrator`
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Group administrators define group settings, create new forums and administer group members.
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:orange:`Group homepage`
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The :ref:`group homepage <group_homepage>` is the starting point for activities in a group. You can show the group description, a list of group members, latest forum posts or any number of other blocks.
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Your :ref:`inbox <inbox>` is the place where you can access the notifications and messages you received from other users or the system. You can decide whether you want to read your messages in your inbox or receive them via email.
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