:orange:`Editability of a group`
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Group administrators can decide if group members should only be able to add content to a group during a certain time frame. This can be useful when a group is course-related and shouldn't allow the adding of files or conversations after the end of a course. Group administrators and tutors can always add, edit and delete content at all times.
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:orange:`Embed code`
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You can make content from other websites such as videos, audio, animations and presentations visible in Mahara by linking to it. If the external content can be embedded via an iframe or code that starts with <object> or <embed>, it can usually be displayed in *Text* or *Note* block or journal entry. Iframes can also be displayed in the *External media* block on a page. The site administrator :ref:`may need to add specific iframes <allowed_iframe_sources>` that you wish to embed to the allowed iframe sources.
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:orange:`Exact search`
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:ref:`Exact search <plugin_search>` reduces the number of search results you get for users. Only results that are identical to the search terms will be found. For example, if you search for “james smith” without exact search turned on, your results page lists everyone starting with “james” no matter whether the last name is “smith” or not. If you turn on exact search, only users whose first and last name is “james smith” will be found. There is no need to use quotation marks when searching. Quotation marks are only necessary if you want to search for a display name that consists of two names. You must be a site administrator to turn exact search on or off.
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See "Comments"
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:darkred:`Files area`
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You can use :ref:`files <files_area>` in different locations: in your personal portfolio, groups, institutions and on the site level if you have access to the latter ones. The site administrator defines the size of the files area. Organise your files area carefully by placing your files into folders and by adding metadata such as descriptions and tags to your files and folders. That makes it much easier to distinguish a file after months from dozens or hundreds of others.
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