:darkred:`Objectionable material`
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On the page of a user to which you have access, you might come across content that is inappropriate, offensive or violates the terms of usage of the site. You can click the :ref:`Report objectionable material <objectionable_report>` link on the page or the artefact details page and give your reason why you marked this content as objectionable. Administrators are notified, can review the content and could block the offender from accessing the system until the content is removed. It cannot be defined in general terms what is considered inappropriate. The owner of the site has to define this based on the purpose of the site and the age of its users for example.
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Forum posts can also be reported as objectionable by clicking the *Report* button.
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:orange:`Online users`
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This :ref:`sidebar <dashboard_overview>` shows other users that have been online during the last 10 minutes. Institution administrators can limit this list to show only users from their own institution.
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:orange:`Open group`
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:ref:`Open groups <group_types>` can be joined by anyone without group administrator approval.
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The owner is the person or group that has created a page or collection or to whom artefacts belong.
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