A ``null`` value here tells Mahara to hide argument values when ``$cfg->productionmode`` is enabled, and to show them otherwise. A ``true`` or ``false`` tells Mahara to always show or hide argument values in backtraces regardless of the value of ``$cfg->productionmode``.
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error_reporting: Error reporting
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``$cfg->error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_STRICT;`` (default)
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This parameter indicates what level of errors to print to the Mahara logs. It gets passed directly to the PHP function ``error_reporting()``.
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There are some limitations in this method because it doesn't get called until several scripts have already been compiled: ``init.php, config.php, config-defaults.php, errors.php``, and the file directly invoked in the URL. So, compile-time errors in those files, which includes most strict errors, will be unaffected by this setting.
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openbadgedisplayer_source: Open Badges displayer sources
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``$cfg->openbadgedisplayer_source = '{"shortname":"url","shortname":"url"}';``
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In order to display Open Badges in the :ref:`"Open Badges" block <open_badges_block>`, the sites that host the badges need to be configured. Per default, the `Mozilla Backpack <https://backpack.openbadges.org/>`_ and the `Open Badge Passport <https://openbadgepassport.com>`_ can be connected to. If you have other sources, you would need to add them to the allowed sources.
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passwordsaltmain: Set a site-wide password salt
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``$cfg->passwordsaltmain = 'your secret phrase here';``
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