Choose either *Standalone HTML website* or *Leap2A*. You can run through the export twice in order to get both formats.
*スタンドアロンHTML ウェブサイト* または *Leap2A* を選択してください。両方のフォーマットを取得したい場合、あなたはエクスポートを2回繰り返せます。
Translated and reviewed by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in
Choose what you want to export:
Translated and reviewed by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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**All my data**: Everything that is stored in your account in *Content* and *Portfolio*. Excluded are any of your group contributions.
**私のデータすべて**: あなたのアカウントの *コンテンツ* および *ポートフォリオ* に保存されたすべてです。あなたのグループの寄稿は除きます。
Translated by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in
**Just some of my pages**: You can choose which pages and the artefacts that are contained within them you want to export.
**私のページの一部**: エクスポートするページおよびページに含まれるアーティファクトを選択できます。
Translated and reviewed by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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**Just some of my collections**: You can select which collections and the artefacts that are contained within them you want to export.
**私のコレクションの一部**: エクスポートするコレクションとそのコレクションに含まれるアーティファクトを選択できます。
Translated and reviewed by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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Your pages and collections are listed alphabetically.
Translated and reviewed by
Masayuki Kuwada
Located in
If you have chosen to export just some pages or collections, you can select them here by ticking the individual checkboxes to mark them for inclusion.
Translated and reviewed by
Masayuki Kuwada
Located in
Use the buttons *Select all* or *Reverse selection* to quickly choose the portfolio pages |new in Mahara 18.04| or :index:`collections <single: New in Mahara 18.04; Bulk select collections to export>` to include in your export.
あなたのエクスポートに含めるポートフォリオページ |new in Mahara 18.04| または :index:`コレクション <single: Mahara 18.04新機能; エクスポートするためにコレクションを一括して選択する>` を迅速に選ぶにはボタン *すべてを選択* または *逆選択* を使います。
Translated and reviewed by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in
.. image:: images/newin18point04.*
:alt: new in Mahara 18.04
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
.. image:: images/newin18point04.*
:alt: Mahara 18.04新機能
Translated and reviewed by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in
Click the *Click to preview* link to preview a page before you select it. You cannot yet preview collections.
それを選ぶ前にページをプレビューするため *クリックしてプレビューする* リンクをクリックしてください。あなたはまだコレクションをプレビューできません。
Translated and reviewed by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in