|institution shortname new| An institution's short name is important for setting up SmartEvidence when you want to restrict a competency framework to a particular institution. Once a new institution is created, the short name is displayed on the :ref:`institution's setting screen <add_institution>`.
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Clear caches
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|clear caches| A number of elements are cached in Mahara on the system level to speed up the site. In some cases, you may wish to force a new version though if the browser doesn't recognize it on its own. You can clear the caches easily via the :ref:`"Clear caches" <clear_caches>` button on the *Admin home* page if you are a site administrator.
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SimpleSAMLphp is managed dependency
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|login| SimpleSAMLphp is a managed dependency in Mahara, which means that it is installed as part of the Mahara codebase. You may need to install a few more dependencies manually that are expected to be present. If that were the case, Mahara would alert you to that fact on the :ref:`SAML plugin configuration page <plugin_saml>`. You can :ref:`configure <saml>` SAML and SAML-based authentication methods for institutions.
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Allow auto-creation of accounts via SAML on multi-tenanted sites
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|login| You can now also enable user account auto-creation via SAML on multi-tenanted sites as the previous restriction is not needed anymore.
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Removed Persona authentication
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|login| Mozilla `discontinued <https://wiki.mozilla.org/Identity/Persona_Shutdown_Guidelines_for_Reliers>`_ Persona authentication, and we needed to remove it. You can :ref:`migrate <plugin_persona>` all Persona account to internal authentication automatically to allow your users to log in if they previously used Persona.
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Changes to web services
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