transfer of content
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Refer to the comprehensive guide about setting up `Mahoodle <https://wiki.mahara.org/index.php/System_Administrator%27s_Guide/Moodle//Mahara_Integration>`_ for step-by-step instructions on how to set everything up on the Moodle side and on Mahara. The guide explains the steps for both Moodle 1.9 and Moodle 2.x.
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You can always only link one Moodle to one Mahara be it on the site level or in an individual institution. You cannot link from one Moodle into multiple institutions on Mahara.
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Moodle to Mahara
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Most of the time, Moodle is the primary system and users log in from Moodle to Mahara. However, it can also be set up the other way around. You can transfer the following information when an :ref:`institution in Mahara is set up to be connected to a Moodle site <mnet>`:
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Login information
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User account details, see the information in the :ref:`XML-RPC authentication method settings <mnet>`
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Content that is exported via the `Moodle 2 "Portfolio export" functionality <http://docs.moodle.org/22/en/Mahara_portfolio>`_
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Mahara to Moodle
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You can send information and content from Mahara to Moodle if you wish. The following are possible:
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