Click the *Close* button |close| if you want to abort inserting an image.
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If you are not happy with how the image looks, select it (it will get little square handles) and click on the *Image* button |tinymce_image| again to make adjustments.
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Link to specific Mahara page in Moodle
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Normally, when you log in to Mahara from Moodle, you land on the dashboard page. However, there is :ref:`a trick to go directly to a specific page in Mahara <mahoodle_deep_link>`.
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Thanks to `Gordon McLeod <http://twitter.com/LearnTribe>`_ who `published this tip <http://portfolio.gla.ac.uk/view/view.php?id=20304>`_.
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Open Badges
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`Open Badges <http://www.openbadges.org/>`_ is `Mozilla <http://mozilla.org>`_'s open source answer for showing recognition of skills and competencies online. `Moodle 2.5 <https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=228539>`_ became a badge issuer in May 2013 and Mahara will become a badge displayer in the future. For the time being, however, there are two ways of displaying your Open Badges:
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Have the plugin `Open Badge Displayer <https://mahara.org/user/ajk/open-badge-displayer>`_ installed (available since 8 August 2013).
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Use an iframe. This method is not recommended any longer as there is no verification of the email address and you could essentially display someone else's badges.
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This tip was first published in the blog post "`Open Badges in Mahara: The quick way <http://virtualbreath.net/curious/2013/05/25/open-badges-in-mahara-the-quick-way/>`_" by `Kristina D.C. Hoeppner <http://twitter.com/anitsirk>`_.
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