View the name of the person requesting friendship and a short description if the user had written one in *Content → Profile → Introduction*. You can click on the name and view the profile page. :index:`You <single: Send friend request; Show date when a friend request was issued>` also see when this user requested your friendship.
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Read why this user requests friendship if they provided a reason.
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Click the *Send message* button to communicate with the user before making your decision about this friend request.
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Click the *Approve request* button to approve the friend request. Once you approve a friend request, you appear immediately on that user's *My friends* page and the user on yours.
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Click the *Deny request* button to deny friendship.
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Deny a friend request
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When somebody sent you a friend request, go to the *My friends* page to view your pending requests. Next to the person whose request you wish to deny, click the *Deny request* button.
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Provide a reason for your denial if you wish to give one.
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Click the *Deny friend request* button to send your message or click *Cancel* to abort your action.
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The user receives a notification which includes your reason for denial if you provided one.
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