If you want to establish your social network, you can use the *Find friends* page to find people to connect to. An alphabetical list of all users in your institution(s) or on the entire system is provided.
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*Find friends* page
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Use the search box to search for a name of a user. Your search results are limited to users from your institution(s). Choose the option "Everyone" to search for any user on the system.
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All results are listed. You can click on the name to view that user's profile page. You also see if a user is already a friend of yours.
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You see more information about this user and can take more actions:
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Send this user a friend request.
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Send this user a message without requesting friendship.
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Edit this user's group membership for a group of which you are an administrator.
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You can prevent others from sending you messages or friend requests if you disabled these options in :ref:`your account settings <general_account_options>`.
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Send a friend request
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