the :ref:`Find groups <find_groups>` page
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the group homepage
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You are then taken to the :ref:`same screen as if you were creating a group <create_group_user>` and make the necessary changes.
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You can change the group type to a different one. Please be careful if you do so especially when you have allowed submissions of pages and collections to the group. If users have submitted portfolio pages or collections to that group, they remain locked when you disable the setting *Allow submissions*. You must enable this setting again in order to release these pages or collections.
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If the site administrator activated :ref:`clean URLs <clean_urls>`, your group (homepage) has a human-readable URL which you can change to a certain extend.
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Change the URL for your group homepage
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Choose the name for your group (homepage) if you do not like the default one. It must be 3-30 characters long. You can only use lowercase letters from a-z, numbers and - (hyphen). Your group will then be available via a URL like ``http://sitename/group/name-of-the-group``, for example: ``http://mahara-university.org/group/portfolio-task-force``.
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Though you can change the URL to your group at any point, you should not do that because people who already know the URL to your group will not be able to access it anymore after you have changed it.
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The original, internal Mahara URL such as ``http://mahara-university.org/group/view.php?id=456`` will still work.
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Find friends
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