via HTTS: ``git clone https://git.mahara.org/user-manual/manual.git``
via HTTS: ``git clone https://git.mahara.org/user-manual/manual.git``
Translated and reviewed by
Luca Bösch
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In the terminal, enter the folder "manual": ``cd manual``
(no translation yet)
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Compile the user manual in English only. The following command assumes that you want to compile it for Mahara 15.10: ``make preview MAHARA=15.10``
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Open the ``index.html`` file in a browser to view the manual. You can find it in the folder ``build/en/15.10``.
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Translated and reviewed by
Tobias Bannert
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are placed using the "figure" directive.
werden über die Bild-Anweisung ('figure') eingebunden
Translated and reviewed by
Ralf Hilgenstock
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always include alt text and a figure description. That sets them apart from the text.
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are generally placed above a list if they are part of step-by-step instructions.
werden grundsätzlich vor einer Aufzählung der Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung platziert
Translated and reviewed by
Ralf Hilgenstock
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should have as few instructions as possible about the steps that are to be taken in them. Preferably, only the step numbers so that they can be exchanged more easily and the text of the steps is translatable because it is text and not part of the image. That could also mean that translators can translate the steps but don't immediately have to change the screenshots.
sollten so wenige Schritte wie möglich enthalten und genau die Schritte beschreiben, die im Screenshot abgebildet sind. Dadurch können sie einfacher ausgetauscht und übersetzt werden. Übersetzer können daher im ersten Schritt die Texte übersetzen und müssen nicht zwangsläufig auch die Bilder austauschen.
Translated and reviewed by
Ralf Hilgenstock
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get callouts that are pre-made and can be found in the Gimp file ``/images_originals/z_callouts.xcf``.
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