If the site administrator turned on the :ref:`image resizing option <image_resizing>`, you can decide whether you want to have your images resized if they are larger than the specified dimensions. This option is recommended to save space in your portfolio.
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**Upload file**: Upload a file by clicking on the *Browse* button to search for the file on your computer. Make sure that it is not larger than the maximum upload size that is shown in the parentheses.
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:index:`Instead of clicking <single: Drag and drop files into files area>` the *Browse* button to upload files, you can drag and drop files from your computer directly onto the "drop zone". You must still observe the maximum file size upload for each file and the maximum total file size cannot be exceeded either.
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This functionality is not available in all browsers. Generally, users of Chrome 7+, Firefox 4+, Internet Explorer 10+, Opera 12+ (Windows only) and Safari 6+ can use drag and drop.
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Type the folder name and click the *Create folder* button if you want to create a folder before uploading files. Click the folder to upload files directly into it.
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Upload multiple files
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You can upload multiple files at once in three different ways:
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You can upload multiple files when you are browsing for them after having clicked the *Browse* button. Hold down the `Ctrl` key (or `Command` key on a Mac) and click on all the files that you wish to upload at once.
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You can drag and drop multiple files into the *drop zone*.
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You can also place all files into a compressed file, a *.zip file*, and upload that to Mahara. This method allows you to upload multiple files from different folders on your computer at once. You can create a zip file from any number of files that you have selected in your document management program by making a right mouse click and selecting *Compress...* (or something similar).
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