Institution settings
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You can use Mahara with multiple institutions and separate them for administrative purposes, e.g. user management and permissions, and to give them a different theme.
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**Confirm registration**: :index:`If set to "Yes", administrators <single: Confirm registration site-wide>` cannot make the *Confirm registration* setting optional when :ref:`configuring an institution <add_institution>`. This prevents institution administrators from disabling this setting when it is required site-wide to not allow user accounts to be created without administrator approval.
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**Users allowed multiple institutions**: If allowed, users can be members of several institutions at the same time. Thus, a user who belongs to two or more institutions only needs one account.
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While this is a convenient setting for people who need to be institution administrators in multiple institutions and cannot receive site administrator permissions, it is recommended that users can only belong to one institution.
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**Warning time for institution expiry**: If set, a notification will be sent to site and institution administrators this amount of time before an institution is due to expire and be suspended. This time may be specified in days, weeks, months, years or "No end date". If the latter option is chosen, institutions will not expire by default.
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**Auto-suspend expired institutions**: If set to "Yes", this option will allow Mahara to automatically suspend an institution that has expired automatically. This means that users of that institution will not be able to log in until the institution has been unsuspended.
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Account settings
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**Session lifetime**: For security reasons, after a specified period of inactivity, a user will be logged off the site automatically. This field specifies this time in minutes. The default value is 1440 minutes (24 hours).
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**Default registration expiry lifetime**: As site administrator you can decide when :ref:`pending registrations <pending_registrations>` that require approval expire. This time may be specified in days, weeks, months, years or "No end date". If the latter option is chosen, pending registrations will not expire by default. The default value is 2 weeks.
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