In *Site options* you can set global options that will apply by default throughout the entire site.
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One or more fields may be disabled if overridden by a setting in your config.php file.
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When you are done editing one or more settings, click the *Update site options* button at the bottom of the page.
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Site settings
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**Site name**: Choose a name for your Mahara instance. It appears in certain places around the site, e.g. in the title bar of the browser and in emails sent from the site. Therefore, it should not be too long.
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**Language**: Set the default language for your site. If you have multiple language packs installed, you see a drop-down menu. Otherwise, the standard language, English, is displayed.
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You can install more `language packs <http://langpacks.mahara.org/>`_. `More information about the language packs <https://wiki.mahara.org/index.php/Language_Packs>`_ is on the wiki.
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**Country**: The country selected is the default for country selections throughout your Mahara installation, e.g. in :ref:`contact information <contact_info>`.
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**Theme**: Mahara comes with a number of themes that you can use. Choose one from the drop-down menu to make it the default theme for your site. If you have :ref:`institutions <site_admin_institutions>` set up, they can :ref:`choose their own theme <add_institution>`. You can `search for community-contributed themes <https://wiki.mahara.org/index.php/Themes/Contributed_themes>`_ on the Mahara wiki.
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**Drop-down navigation**: If set to "Yes", the main Mahara navigation uses a drop-down menu for its subnavigation.
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